Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Reading Resolution 1/6/12

My reading resolutions are to have the ability to speed read and read a book that is more than three inches thick. I can't speed read without getting terribly confused. I also can't read a thick book in a week unless I speed read, and then I won't know what happened. I don't usually read four inch books, and I want to try, but if I don't then I wouldn't be surprised because I don't read a lot. In fact, I write instead, but I get ideas from books I read and plenty of other things such as nature, something on the computer, or even a stray dog in someone's yard. The Harry Potter series I haven't even read. The books are plenty thick, but Harry Potter bores me. Reading Resolution No. 1: Don't give up on reading a book in under a week. Reading resolution No. 2: Try to learn to speed read.

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