Thursday, May 17, 2012

What I saw...

In my last post, I told about the trees near my neighborhood, right? I went in it over the weekend (I got three ticks BTW!!!) and saw the weirdest thing: farming equipment!!! There was a rusted old truck that looked like the ones on the old movies with pigs it the back. It was really old because when I hit some of the torn off metal with a stick I found, it tore like cardboard, not paper. It was interesting and fun, but when I went past the truck to find something else, I heard something, but I couldn't see anything... I began to think about if someone just stuck a gun to my head. Thus, I went back to my house.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!


3 things to post about:1.) the day of Sunday the 6th, 2.)Sims, and 3.)my last post...
For those concerned and those I haven't told in great detail, I cut my thumb open on a metal bucket, which wasn't rusted. P.S. I was at my neighbors house when it happened. I was in a little pool thingy and was filling up a bucket, metal, and you know how when you pull something in water and there is a pull in the opposite direction? Well, that science played a great deal in my situation. When I yanked my hand up, the bucket slipped out of my hand while slicing it open. I didn't notice this at first, I thought I just bruised my hand, but I wasn't looking at it when my friend and my sister saw blood going down my arm. My friend went into her house to get her dad, who was like a doctor for the military. He came outside, got me a towel, and put pressure on the wound immediately. It was painful, but it stopped it from bleeding more. When we got to the ER it was freezing and I waited from about 3:45 to 5:00, and it was another hour before I finally got home.
I LOVE playing sims for my PC. It is really fun building the houses and creating people, but I get bored actually playing the people, unless there is a storyline to it. Next time I finish all the houses I am currently working on, I will post them.
On my last post, I was trying to explain something that I want to do and will. I'm not kidding about this stuff. You may not think I may be up for it, but you may as well count on it. The comments I got on that post were correcting me on some flaws, but so what? I hate when people correct me, but that shouldn't stop anyone from reading this. Some people take one look at me and find me to be short scrawny, and feather-like. Don't underestimate me because that is a mistake.

Comment if you will...

Friday, May 4, 2012

Our US Government...
Okay, so our United States' government is a democracy, right? Everyone thinks that that is the best type of government out there, when, in England, all of the Queen Elizabeths have been doing quite well with a monarchy. I know that that's England not the U.S., but what's the difference? Land, money, politics? None of that matters! I don't see why we need money because if everything was free, there wouldn't be a need for stores, or production other than to make interesting genetically altered food. Potatoes used to be the size of a tomato today before it was genetically altered to be large. The human race has been completely reliant on technology to fix everything. Technology isn't very helpful, and I know I am typing away on a computer, but I don't like technology for certain things. Here, let me ask you, is it weird I do not like television? I don't find much point in watching it, everything is rigged or somehow rehearsed. Back to food, why pay for something that you can make for free? Without all the chemicals, people can eat grass. I've done it, and I am pretty much fine. A lot of people are afraid of bugs, but see, our ancestors a long time ago lived outside without a government, and they lived with the bugs. Too much industrialization, to me, leads people into a home that has nothing to do with nature leaving them less connected with bugs and grass and trees. So if the government just shut down all of a sudden and left many homeless, those who don't get connect with nature and are afraid of it, will be less likely to survive. It's harsh, but it is a little true, right? I guarantee that if we all lived outside, on our own terms, we'd be able to survive. We are just so used to industrialization right now that we have too many luxuries and aren't able to survive in the outdoors. Sorry this is such a long blog I just am really mad about that stuff lately because construction people, that's what I call them, are cutting down a lot of trees to extend my neighborhood, and if they cut down another part of it, I may lose the most amazing scenery I've ever seen. I may not be allowed to go there, but I won't let them cut it down. I don't see why they take pride into cutting down trees. Plus I want to protest if I do find out they are cutting that part down. I don't see how they can stop me, it's my life, I want to live it.

Friday the 13!!!

Creepy daze
Happy craze
That's the day
When all goes bad
When you think your fine
It is actually your time
To go to the darkness
Avoid all what you will,
Nothing can save you,
Friday the 13th kills...