Thursday, May 17, 2012


3 things to post about:1.) the day of Sunday the 6th, 2.)Sims, and 3.)my last post...
For those concerned and those I haven't told in great detail, I cut my thumb open on a metal bucket, which wasn't rusted. P.S. I was at my neighbors house when it happened. I was in a little pool thingy and was filling up a bucket, metal, and you know how when you pull something in water and there is a pull in the opposite direction? Well, that science played a great deal in my situation. When I yanked my hand up, the bucket slipped out of my hand while slicing it open. I didn't notice this at first, I thought I just bruised my hand, but I wasn't looking at it when my friend and my sister saw blood going down my arm. My friend went into her house to get her dad, who was like a doctor for the military. He came outside, got me a towel, and put pressure on the wound immediately. It was painful, but it stopped it from bleeding more. When we got to the ER it was freezing and I waited from about 3:45 to 5:00, and it was another hour before I finally got home.
I LOVE playing sims for my PC. It is really fun building the houses and creating people, but I get bored actually playing the people, unless there is a storyline to it. Next time I finish all the houses I am currently working on, I will post them.
On my last post, I was trying to explain something that I want to do and will. I'm not kidding about this stuff. You may not think I may be up for it, but you may as well count on it. The comments I got on that post were correcting me on some flaws, but so what? I hate when people correct me, but that shouldn't stop anyone from reading this. Some people take one look at me and find me to be short scrawny, and feather-like. Don't underestimate me because that is a mistake.

Comment if you will...


  1. It's okay. Oh yeah, I also lost feeling in my thumb. The bucket got deeper than I thought...
