Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Someone once asked me if I could change my fate,would I? For me, everyone's fate is the same: death. If I wanted to change that in any way, it would mean living forever. I, unlike others, don't want to change my fate. I am not afraid of death because I know I will eventually come back down to this earth, but maybe not in the form I would like. I know I would have a different personality, but don't we all have mixed personalities? Some may be quiet in school and loud at home. Some may look secure on the outside, but on the inside, they are freaking out. One final question: If you could change your fate, would you?
*Destiny is not the same thing as fate!*

Monday, February 27, 2012


Have you ever wondered why someone asks you what you want to be when you grow up? What if you actually took that seriously? I have. I want to be something that has to do with me drawing or painting all the time. To be an artist is something I would love to do, but it seems more of a part tome job to me. It only does because what if the artwork isn't noticed? It's an every-once-in-a-while type deal. I would make it a full time job, but only if I was noticed. What's the point otherwise? For me, there is many points such as I LOVE it. I could care less if I got noticed, just the fact it occupies me and I feel good when I draw or paint.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The research I did

I just finished a research paper at school on what injustices faced our school today and found myself at a pause. I didn't know what injustices to me faced the school. I wanted to do something about school that had to do with drawing. I did choose something that had to do with drawing, but I had trouble finding reliable sources. The ones I found were actually blogs. However, my teacher told me there may be some links inside the blogs, so I went to the links and found the minimum number of resources, 3. I found out that students who draw do about 29% better than those who don't. They have better brain activity as well. I didn't know that before, and I thought that students who draw only do better because they take notes and draw rather than drawing alone. I discovered all this information and created my research paper. I am still waiting on the grade, but I think I did okay.


On Friday the 13th, most everybody gets worried or scared something might happen to them so they go through drastic measures just so that bad luck doesn't fall onto them. Is Friday the 13th an actual myth? Who knows. It could just be that your imagination is getting the best of you. You think something terrible may happen when truly, the only thing stopping your luck is you. You decide your fate. What happens on Friday the 13th for me: I try to wake up in a good, pleasant mood and I try not to be negative about anything. School is sometimes a pain, but in the end of the day, it seems actually fun because I get to see my friends and nothing bad happens. Although, sometimes on Friday the 13th, I have the worst day of my life. By the time the next day rolls around, however, I am in an even better mood. As one day ends, a new one begins.

2/23 Where I want to go

Do you dream of seeing, doing, or being someplace? So have I. I have many places I want to be and sights I want to see. Some are:
1.)To live in Florida right next to the beach.
2.)To the Bermuda Triangle(even if I disappear)
3.)An abandoned dungeon
4.)Mars and the moon
5.)Anywhere I've never been before no matter how terrible they are.
I like going places, although I haven't been to many. To see sights listed above would be cool and fun because I would see more than I have, and I would finally get to be in some strange, interesting places I have never seen before.